Bunk McEwen September 19, 2008
This year's Victoria Rock & Roll, Music Hall Of Fame inductee for most influential musician from 1956-1959 is pianist Bunk McEwen. We've been hearing stories about him for years and now we have been in contact with his children and one will be in attendance this Sunday at the Inductee Celebration. Our thanks to his daughter Judy who contacted us yesterday and forwarded a picture of her father.
Todays profile addition: Bunk McEwen
Todays gallery update: Press Clippings (see the article from this weeks Monday Magazine)
Victoria Rock & Roll, Music Hall of Fame Inductee Celebration, Sunday September 21, 2008 at Element in the Strathcona Hotel. Tickets are on sale at the front desk. Click on the Hall Of Fame tab for more info.
We are always looking for help at the inductee celebration, especially in the first hour before the ceremonies checking in the guests, so if you can spare 60 minutes to help out, it's a free pass to a great afternoon of music and memories. Contact Glenn at g.parfitt@shaw.ca